Want to Look Great in Stripe Pants? Here's What to Consider
Stripes have been prominent in women's clothing for many years. In fact, one of the first recorded uses of stripes was to identify the sexes in Egypt thousands of years ago. It has remained as an important design element in women's fashions throughout the ages. The history of stripes can be traced back to early cave paintings and drawings as well as ancient texts and works of art. Strips are patterns/lines seen either in a straight line or in a spiraling pattern, woven around the cloth or, sometimes, as vertical patterns in fabric. The stripes bring out the beauty of a garment by means of their varying sizes, color and texture, just as they are positioned. There are several kinds of stripes, which are usually classified depending on their geometric structure, namely as horizontal or vertical, and their geometric pattern elements such as space and color between them on the cloth. Another common style of this design element is the diamond pattern. The diamond pattern appears as...